
Saving a face one beat at a time...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fall Back

Howdy Folks-

It's been a while since my last blog I know.   It took me a few months to re-adjust my life post wedding (no excuse, I know) The winding down of wedding season and the entrance of Fall is also part to blame, but it doesn't mean I can't share some oldies, goodies and even some inspiration.

So I'll start with some oldies that I missed posting in the tornado of planning my own wedding.

Enter Mr. and Mrs. Reverand Walter Thomas Jr.

This duo are old friends of mine and also heirs to the throne of the New Psalmist Baptist Church where Bishop Walter Scott Thomas Sr. is currently pastor.  Jarrett Thomas and I were dicipleship sisters for three years (can you believe it?) and during that time, engagement fever was hot and on the rise.  Her and Walter were among the first to kick it off.  After she told her tear-jerker proposal story she asked me if I would do a beat (ha ha) for their engagement shots and wedding makeup.  I was more than happy to oblige them as well as stay for a little art direction (another hidden talent).  Between us laughing about Walter's baby butter creme skin and why he even needed any makeup in the first place and his consistent struggle obeying my command to NOT kiss her until AFTER the shoot, we had a great time.   

The couple maried on August 1, 2009.  Wedding pics forthcoming ...Enjoy, happy fall and...

Ciao Bella!

Wendy Will~

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